Monday, March 12, 2012

Virabhadrasana III - Warrior III Pose

Happy Daylight Savings!!!! This week's post comes from Cynthia...

Ah! The fantastic warrior III! 

I love trying to grab the floor with every possible inch of my foot. 

I Love the challenge of gaining and staying perpendicular.

I love thinking that if I could choose a superpower, flying would be the one for me. I would probably get a superpower that wasn’t so fun, like being able to climb any tree. It would be neat at first, and then I would realize it wasn’t quite as fantastic as a superpower should be.

Yoga has been a fantastic find for me.

As a child of the 80s, I grew up with and love the fast-paced, booming music, aerobics class. Step, step, step, kick, kick, kick, move, move, move. 

It took me quite a while to embrace the lack of constant movement during yoga.

But in warrior III, I am moving without moving. My mind is moving and my body is constantly adjusting so I stay in the position. So much to do while in warrior III….

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